Have you ever spent three solid weeks in a production facility? Knowing that there is at least another 3 to go?!
Apart from slight cabin fever setting in, we are working harder than ever, and having a jolly good time! Among bottomless coffee refills and the occasional whisky for my producer, we now have the bones for 9 tracks out of 10! Grappling with technology, my 'intermediate' guitar skills, and finding out about song arrangement, this is a highly creative time, and a steep learning curve for everyone. I am moved by Roberts (my producers) dedication to quality and consistency, even if that means redoing things we thought we had done already, or trying out new things only to discard them again. It is so important that he is my biggest supporter during this time, and sensitive enough to find ways to convey the meaning and feeling of my songs through instruments I wouldn't have thought of and don't know how to play myself. It is taking shape, and from this point I can already see the basic features of this album - simple, pure, original, unaltered and beautiful. Full of heart. Now our task is details! Reviewing what needs to be added in where, before we focus on the final task of tidying, polishing and giving the levels a final balance. Thank you everyone who is in touch with me during this period, giving me advice, support, and helping me to break out of the studio into the local folk scene (Owly Dave!).
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December 2022